Monday - Friday from 10:00 to 17:00 Sat-sun: closed

Magazines Saiga, Ak, Vepr, Svd


Button akm magazine release

Button akm magazine release

Magazine release button was designed especially for speed shooting. With this device, you can change..


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Button saiga magazine release

Button saiga magazine release



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Lock magazine sks

Lock magazine sks

Specially for improve the speed of recharge the carbine is used enlarged retainer the magazine or, s..


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Magazine 7.62 akm

Magazine 7.62 akm

Magazine for AKM and civil variants with 7.62*39 caliber. With reduced weight, made from rigid plast..


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Magazine adapter saiga 12

Magazine adapter saiga 12



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Magazine akm

Magazine akm

Magazine 7.62*39 (VPO-133) for AKM platform have 5-round capacity,  type – box magazine, plasti..


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Magazine akm 20 round

Magazine akm 20 round

This magazine can be used with AKM and AKM-based VPO carbines. Have 20 rounds capacity. Can be used ..


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Magazine akm 30 rounds

Magazine akm 30 rounds

This plastic magazine designed for civil carbines based on AKM assault rifle. It fully match with me..


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Magazine ar-15

Magazine ar-15



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Magazine aug

Magazine aug



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Magazine coupler ar 15

Magazine coupler ar 15

For high-speed recharge on semi-automatic colt carabines, as an additional option, you can set magaz..


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Magazine coupler saiga 410

Magazine coupler saiga 410

Coupler designed for two plastic magazines cal. 410x76. Allow you change empty clip faster. Weigh..


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Magazine coupler saiga, Ak

Magazine coupler saiga, Ak

Polyurethane coupler allows you to join 2 magazines and reload them faster. Coupler kit have 2 steel..


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Magazine coupler saiga, akm

Magazine coupler saiga, akm

Coupler designed for 2 steel magazines cal. 7.62x39 and allows you to spend less time for empty clip..


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Magazine receiver saiga 9

Magazine receiver saiga 9



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Magazine receiver vepr 205

Magazine receiver vepr 205

Magazine receiver for installation on hunting carabines 12 caliber modification Vepr. Magazine recei..


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Magazine saiga 10 round

Magazine saiga 10 round

10 rounds magazine for Saiga variants «m» and «mk» in popular 7.62x39 caliber. Have lightweight plas..


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Magazine saiga 20x70 10 rounds

Magazine saiga 20x70 10 rounds

Magazine for Saiga 20 with 10-rounds capacity for 20*70 mm shell. Used extensively by competition sh..


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Magazine saiga 20x70 5 rounds

Magazine saiga 20x70 5 rounds

Magazine Saiga 20x70 with 5-rounds capacityMagazine for Saiga 20 have simple and reliable design. Th..


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Magazine saiga 20x70 8 rounds

Magazine saiga 20x70 8 rounds

8-rounds magazine for Saiga 20x70 in specially designed for hunting conditions; extended capacity is..


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Magazine saiga 20x76 10 rounds

Magazine saiga 20x76 10 rounds

10-rounds capacity Saiga 20 magazine for 20x76 mm shells. Made according civil weapon parts requirem..


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Magazine saiga 20x76 5 rounds

Magazine saiga 20x76 5 rounds

Magazine for a self-charging carabine saiga 20 caliber capacity of 5 cartridges. The cage is used un..


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Magazine saiga 20x76 8 rounds

Magazine saiga 20x76 8 rounds

Magazine Saiga 20 is designed for Saiga 20, Saiga 20S, Saiga 20K and Saiga 20S EXP-01, for 76 mm she..


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Magazine saiga 223

Magazine saiga 223

Magazine for 223 gauge Saiga carbine, with 10-rounds capacity have plastic case, base is made from m..


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Magazine saiga 223 30 rounds

Magazine saiga 223 30 rounds

Magazine for Saiga 223 gauge carbine with light polymer case. Horizontal ribs provide convenient mag..


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Magazine saiga 308

Magazine saiga 308

8 rounds magazine for «Saiga 308». Detachable box magazine is designed for Saiga-308 hunting carbin..


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Magazine saiga 308 10 round

Magazine saiga 308 10 round

Magazine for Saiga 308 is made with the plastic case, with 10 rounds capacity and can be used for hu..


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Magazine saiga 410

Magazine saiga 410

Magazine 410 caliber 10-seater, made of durable polymer, ranger floor plate magazine and the back br..


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Magazine saiga 410 10 round

Magazine saiga 410 10 round

Usually soon after purchasing of carbine owner founds that additional magazines required. 10 rounds ..


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Magazine saiga 410 15 round

Magazine saiga 410 15 round

Saiga 410 15 rounds magazine made from nylon plastic with top and bottom parts reinforced  by s..


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Magazine saiga 7.62x39

Magazine saiga 7.62x39

This magazine is designed for Saiga M and MK versions. Have capacity of 20 rounds. Usually these ext..


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Magazine saiga 9x19

Magazine saiga 9x19

Option # 2 magazine saiga 9 10 rounds in a short barrel (the price is 14 usd) ..


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Magazine saiga mk

Magazine saiga mk

This magazine is designed for carbines with one of the most popular caliber 7.62*39. It can be used ..


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Magazine saiga tg 2

Magazine saiga tg 2

Option № 2 magazine for saiga Tg 2 in a lightweight case (price 15 usd) ..


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Magazine saiga tg2

Magazine saiga tg2

The 366-caliber magazine, presented on saiga in the performance of tg-2. Capacity – 10 places, but c..


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Magazine sks 15 rounds

Magazine sks 15 rounds

Plastic polymeric magazine, with a platform, which is installed for a hunting rifle carbine sks, is ..


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Magazine sks 20 rounds

Magazine sks 20 rounds

Sks magazine for 7.62x39 gauge with 20 rounds capacity is designed for sporting and hunting (can be ..


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Magazine sks 5 rounds

Magazine sks 5 rounds

Magazine sks in a short 5 rounds corps, will be the best solution for hunters, and also for lovers o..


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Magazine tg3

Magazine tg3

Magazine steel, made in a well-recognizable version svd-tigr for the TG3 carbine, under the promisin..


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Magazine tigr

Magazine tigr

Magazine Tigr is designed for feeding ammo to the chamber. Capacity is 10 rounds of 7,62x54 caliber...


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Magazine tigr 30-06

Magazine tigr 30-06

Magazine for the powerful rifle caliber 30-06, used on the Tigr carbine, made in the original style ..


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Magazine tigr 308

Magazine tigr 308



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Magazine vepr 223

Magazine vepr 223

Magazine SOK-97 is used with Vepr 223 carbine. It can be loaded with two types of ammo: Russian 5,56..


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Magazine vepr 223 (30 rounds)

Magazine vepr 223 (30 rounds)



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Magazine vepr 308 10 round

Magazine vepr 308 10 round

Magazine for sok Vepr 308 is made with the plastic case, with 10 rounds capacity and can be used for..


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Magazine vepr 5.45

Magazine vepr 5.45

Magazine for Vepr Molot SOK-98 carbine, based on PK machine gun. Caliber is 5,45*39.   This ..


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Magazine Vepr molot 102

Magazine Vepr molot 102

Magazine for VPO-102 model is designed for “Vepr” 102 line of semiautomatic carbines (specific desig..


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Magazine vepr molot 12 gauge

Magazine vepr molot 12 gauge

Magazine designed for use on vpo-205 12 caliber carbines. The capacity of magazine 10 rounds. On the..


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Magazine Vepr molot 205

Magazine Vepr molot 205



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Magazine vepr molot 308

Magazine vepr molot 308

Magazine SOK-95 is used for Vepr-308 carbine. It is durable product designed for long service life.&..


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Showing 1 to 50 of 71 (2 Pages)