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Hammer saiga 12 Hammer saiga - ak ..
0 отзывов
Ring equipped with towing eyes for the belt on both sides, designed to fix the front of the handguar..
Magazine adapter (also called magazine well) intended to make connection of the magazine with gun ea..
Magazine adapter for VPO 205 carbine is made from rigid polymer and easy to install. Designed for fa..
Magazine adapter is designed for VPO 12 gauge hunting carbines. This adapter acting as magazine well..
The spring is mounted on the transverse pin, bringing the magazine latch to the operating position. ..
Main spring is designed for Kalashnikov based carbines and has a form of highly elastic spiral sprin..
What in this choke for? As all game shotguns are smooth-barreled their accuracy and grouping a lo..
20 gauge Paradox choke features increased slug shot accuracy. It uses same principle as rifle, proje..
Be equipping “Saiga 410” with Paradox muzzle choke you will extend confident firing distance (up to ..
4 отзывов
Most models of saiga 410 caliber carbines are designed to be threaded m15*0.75 to install an extensi..
The nut fits most saiga-based hunting carbines. The nut has a T-shape, and a standard hole for the m..
Weaver rail mounting at the forward end of rifle allows easy upgrade old AKM or Saiga. Main advantag..
Gas tube with Weaver rail can be installed on all versions of 12 gauge Vepr 205 and can be used to m..
Option # 2 ..
Receiver cover for Saiga 12, 20 guns with enlarged action frame window can be installed instead of o..
“Tiger” and SVD rifle receiver cover vintage of 2000. Recoil spring guide assembly with spring mount..
Recoil buffer AK designed to protect receiver from action frame punches. This product will prolo..
For the sports pistol cz-75 recommended installation of polyurethane gasket - recoil buffer. Properl..
Buffer, or the bumper, is installed between the back of the bolt and the frame of the glock gen3 pis..
Option # 2 for PPS-41 ..
Polyurethane Recoil buffer can be used in Saiga carbines and also in AK assault rifles. Product h..
SKS recoil buffer intended to reduce action frame punch on receiver. It eliminates direct contact of..
SVD recoil buffer designed to reduce bolt punch on recoil spring guide assembly. This buffer has to ..
Recoil buffer svt polyurethane, applied on svt carabines (the Tokarev sniper rifle), as well as its ..
Recoil shock absorber for SKS designed to reduce felt recoil and keep carbine bolt carrier and actio..
Recoil spring for VPO-205 and Saiga carbine with composite design and cover. Spring is made accordin..
Recoil spring guide assembly – ready for upgrade. Supplied: spring, steel rods, and frame mounting a..
Option # 2 (price 8 usd) ..
The spring performs the function of bringing the bolt group into a combat position, after the next s..
Spring, which serves to return the bolt group to the combat position, after the production of a shot..